Truly believing that there is power in just one person's actions, I am pursuing a degree in Sociology so that I will be prepared to work in the nonprofit sector of society. Sociology can encompass many different career avenues, but all require the use of a variety of computers. Because of this, computer literacy is pivotal to be able to succeed in this competitive career field. One of the main components of any area of Sociology is the use of statistics and statistics software. Statistics can be rather confusing and time consuming but are essential to Sociology. To reduce these problems, programs have now been designed for the computer such as SPSS to aid the worker in statistics development and analysis. This is one example of why computer literacy is crucial for Sociology.
Computer literacy is also vital for Sociology because it expands the resources and ability to use these resources available to sociologist more than ever before. These new resources have been fundamental to new findings and have helped solve many sociological problems. Being up-to-date with computers allows the sociologist to access these new resources and utilize them to the fullest. By being computer literate, sociologist can also develop new resources that will not only aide them in their research and careers, but also in their colleagues.

Being computer literate is also important because it will not only help the sociologist succeed in their career, but it will also help the people they are assisting. Take the Make-A-Wish Foundation for example. If their workers were not computer literate, they would be eliminating many available resources, volunteers, and donors. Without computer literacy, the workers would be unable to keep up with the changing internet possibly eliminating online donations, volunteer sign-ups, or any other fundamental nonprofit resource. These are just a few reasons why being computer literate is important to the area of sociology. Computer literacy has become vital if anyone wants to succeed in their career and advance their business, nonprofit, or any other career.
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